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Meet me at Platform X

'Amplify' was a studio, which explored ideas surrounding informal learning environments. The brief was set around and within the proposed central studio space for the New Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. The space is un-programmed with the intention of being a place for collaboration and invention.

'Meet me at Platform X' is my architectural response to this notion of collaborative learning. As our digital world grows ever more complex, with more access to information and modes of communication, what will happen to our learning spaces? Will there be a need to physicall attend classes anymore if one can directly engage in conversation with your teach and peers online?

The project looks at utilising the online world as a platform for this new place. It looks at how the internet has become a prominent platform for teaching and learning. More and more people are learning and forming communities via blogs, online forums, skype, twitter, facebook, youtube etc. Access to these plarforms has become an ease and extremely mobile with smart phones and portable tablets as a gateway to the world wide web, regardless of where one may be.

'Meet me at platform X' proposes a tactile digital landscape which immerses students into a physical place where live feeds from various online social media are accessible through tactile digital walls. Mobile communication would no longer be limited to just one's handset, but visible on the walls, ceilings and floors; a complete, physical  immersion into the digital realm.

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