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The Anamnesis of Being

This project speculates the stigman of death as something that is sensorial and sublime by accessing our inner intangible places through olfactory triggers. It explores how architecture can play a role in eliciting this intangible realm through the amplification of scented experiences.

This idea presents the truth and beauty of life; whether it is pleasant or not. It looks at life as something that is cyclically returned to the earth and eternally present within us through our sensory cues.

I am here and yet, I am not
Scenes flicker before my eyes.
A restless mind.
I wander about.
Cold concrete floors.

I glance over.
Her face is calm.
My canvas.
Red lips and a tinted glow.

The rush of city traffic embalms the air.
The outside world.
I am unable to hold my gaze.


I paint her lips and picture a smile.
A lifetime.
Where did the time go?

Light bounces off the solid walls.
Reflections of the sun.


She is here and yet, she is not...​


For the full ''The Anamnesis of Being' book, click here.

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